Ah, dinner time. That magical time of the day when the whole family gathers at the table to share a meal with witty conversation and lovely attitudes.
Or not. Maybe you’re not the Cleavers from Leave it to Beaver.
If your mealtimes feel less magical with little wit and lots of bad attitude, then take heart. You’re not alone.
But I might have a solution for you.
Katie Kimball, a teacher and mom of 4, will show you:
The Kids Cook Real Food eCourse, an online cooking class for kids, shows several strategies for peaceful dinners, fosters healthy eaters, and deals with picky ones. And she’s sharing them all in a (free!) live online event next week: Raising Adventurous Eaters: Proven 3-Step Process to End Mealtime Madness and Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy (even if they’re picky!)

- How to WIN Every Time You Play the Game of Dinner with Your Kids (and your kids win too!)
- THE Snacktime Rule That Will be Your New Best Friend
- Why WHEN You Serve Veggies Totally Matters
- Power Struggle Diffusers to Make Family Mealtimes Peaceful (even if you have picky eaters)
- How to Make the Clean Plate Club Totally Unnecessary
- 3 Choices to Give Your Kids That Will Make Healthy Food a Reality in Your House — but They Still Think They’re in Control
- Quick Phrases for Your “Parenting Toolbox” That Ease Decision Fatigue at the End of the Day
- How to Leverage Your Unfair Advantage in the Kitchen (= More Veggies in Your Kids!)
Are you ready to experience a family dinner that everyone enjoys – even the adults?
You won’t want to miss this free event – it’s time to flip the script on “kid food” and raise healthy, adventurous eaters!
RESERVE YOUR SEAT FOR THE LIVE EVENT https://sl290.isrefer.com/go/pickywebinar/momtomanygirls/
P.S. This is a free live event, but Katie also offers several awesome paid courses. If you attend this free event through my link and decide you want to take any of her paid courses, I will earn a commission. But there’s no obligation to purchase a course, and this event is still FREE!